I know for many of your reading this the thought of having Christmas on a hot summer's day is the most foreign thing right? And oddly despite growing up in New Zealand and spending Christmas swimming, barbecuing and lazing in the hot sun (well that's if it's not raining!!) I still feel like it's not truly Christmassy unless it's in the winter, and I admit it's challenging to get into the spirit when you don't see it all around you as you do in the Northern Hemisphere. Having spent years living in the UK I absolutely loved the scent of roasted chestnuts ever time to got on the Tube, the sound of carollers on street corners, and of course because it's dark earlier, seeing everything all lit up. Here you don't see the full effect of lights until after 9pm!! There are so many lovely traditions that only seem to make sense in colder climates! So yes it's a totally different experience!