Aiming to always create empowering vivid fine art photos San Diego wedding photographer AMY HUANG documents all the minute details as well as capturing the deep emotions in all the sweet moments in life - heirloom memories that you can't wait to pass onto future generations to come. Today we're spending a few minutes getting to know more about her.

WHAT MADE YOU WANT TO BECOME A PHOTOGRAPHER? My father was a photographer. He created gorgeous albums of my childhood. But something even deeper, because of him and the photos he created, I have small memories of my twin sister. Her existence lives only in those albums. Because of this, I know how important photos are. Photos have the ability to bring you back to a moment long forgotten. It memorialises those in the photos - giving them existence beyond time. 

TELL US A BIT ABOUT YOUR PATH TO GET THERE. My husband and I opened up our photography business in 2009. He wanted me to make money doing something I seem to be passionate about - after all, I always had a camera in my hand. We remained a husband and wife team until we had our second child! It was then that I took the reins of our business -  leaving my husband to stay home with three kids. It was also around that time that I also realised that I couldn’t continue as I did when we started. I threw out all I knew about photography and started from scratch - learning how to understand light in every way! 

This business didn’t truly become mine until I was able to stand on my own two feet and create work that I could only once dream of. And in 2022 I was able to get closer to my dream photos and dream clients. I still have a long way to go but I’m loving what I’ve been able to create and I can’t wait for more! 

HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR STYLE? Boundless, bona fide, and empowering fine art photography - concentrating on honoring heritage & culture through multicultural weddings. My photos are a mixture of guided posing and candids. But most of all, I want to create work that vividly brings you back to the joy, tears, and emotions you felt on your wedding day!

WHAT DO YOU LOVE MOST ABOUT WEDDINGS? The beautiful well though and planned details. But most of all, the ability to be an integral and indispensable part of the wedding’s success - while serving my couple, the vendors, and the family. After all a wedding is not just simply about the bride and groom, it’s about celebrating all the people that have been an integral part of our growth and journey. 

SHARE YOUR FAVOURITE IMAGE WITH US AND TELL US WHY. This image below was the culmination of all my dreams as well as hard work. It was definitely a turning point. I was able to bring in an amazing Kimono dresser that doesn’t normally collaborate with anyone. But most of all, I was able to create photos of details connected to a culture that I’m deeply in love with. This was a true dream come true. Everything about it was absolute perfection!

CAN YOU RECALL YOUR FAVOURITE WEDDING EXPERIENCE? One of my most enjoyable experiences was being able to use both my Cantonese and Mandarin to communicate and make family members feel more comfortable during a wedding. I loved being the bridge between the groom and bride side - shocking the families that I could easily switch between languages when needed!

WHERE WOULD WE FIND YOU ON A SUNDAY MORNING? Snuggling with my daughter in bed. Watching Korean dramas or reading a good book. 

HOW WOULD YOU SPEND YOUR IDEAL DAY OFF? With a yummy coffee in hand in a beautiful place with my family - not having dishes to do or any obligations other than enjoying and savouring the time away from my business. My ultimate dream would be to go to Japan with my family.. and just walk around the city, sight-seeing + eating as much food as I can!

San Diego wedding photographer AMY HUANG is a valued member of the Magnolia Rouge Vendor Collective. Amy grew up with a camera in her hand. She was taking photos from a young age and constantly talking to her father about photo crops and camera angles. Because of her firm technical foundation, Amy can freely create photos beyond the norm - discovering and capturing each of her clients on a much deeper level - bonafide images and memories created only because of their deep trust in her. Amy's approach is simply this: Understanding the tightrope walk between worlds, Amy utilises her uncanny ability to read people, her approachability and authentically warm & caring heart to serve clients who desire to showcase the beauty behind their rich cultural traditions and heritage - while also embracing the culture and world they were brought up in. You can see more of her portfolio here.